an art store, a breveted chocolate shop, a milliner, four photographers, three soldiers, a historian and more… a picture story spanning two continents, six generations and almost 200 years…
born in the 1840’s: Pierre Marie Germain Rachel
born in the 1870’s: Auguste Sarah Frederic
born between 1890 & 1907: Jessie Simone Fred Jr
born in th 1920’s-30’s: Alain Guy Edward
born in the 1950’s-60’s: Florence Penny Tom
born in the 1990’s: Sophie Anna
Germain Pondarre (Pierre’s brother-in-law), Pierre Gentieu, Auguste Pondarre, Orthez, 1898
Rue de l’Horloge, Orthez, Lower Pyrenees, France, 1898. Photo by Pierre Gentieu on his only visit back to Orthez, after emigrating to America 38 years earlier. The shop on the left, with the Papiers, Peints, Peinture, Encadrements sign is an art store owned by Pierre’s sister and husband, Marie and Germaine Pondarre. Marie, with Pierre’s other sister, Rachel Gentieu-Baillan run the Gentieu-Baillan Chocolatier Brevet shop up the street, which is an old family business breveted by the Duchess of Berry in 1828, when she was visiting Orthez on her way to Cauterets.
Map of 1828 Orthez given to me by Orthez historian Emmanuel Labat in 2019 showing La Praire, an apartment building owned by the Pondarres, and the location of the chocolate shop close to the art store. Up the street is the castle and across from that, the Gentieu family homestead, which could be the same house where Emmanuel lives. (The initials, PGB, which could stand for Pierre Gentieu-Baillan, an ancestor, and the year 1769 are carved above the doorway.)Marie, 1868Rachel, 1868chocolate shop, 1898
Sarah and Auguste Pondarre (son of Marie and Germain), c. 1905. Standing by a gate with a bicycle. Sarah was a milliner and upon their marriage in 1905, the art store became her hat store.
Baby Simone Pondarre with the geese, c. 1908, La Prairie, Orthez.George Gentieu, stationed in France during the Great War, visited Orthez and the Pondarres in 1919.Major Auguste PondarreGeorge Gentieu shaking hands with his French cousin, Auguste Pondarre.George, son of Pierre, Civil War veteran: “I am in your place over here so that America returns to France your services.”Jessie Gentieu visited Simone in 1949.May 25, 1952: on the right, Guy, Alain, Edmond and Simone Mousques, Sarah (Simone’s mother), Nelly Bessouat, Berthe Dornercq, her husband Eugene Dornercq, Paul Humbert, the son-in-law of Mn ch Hlad,(?) Domercq. __ Auguste Pondarre the photographer.We visited Orthez and Simone at her fortified farmhouse in 1994. Here is Tom and Anna, sitting between Simone and Sophie at Simone’s table. 1994: Simone holding a family photo (c.1928) of George and Fannie Darrigrand Swahn, descendants of the Brooklyn Darrigrands who owned the Darrigrand French Bakery on the corner of Dean Street and Flatbush, where Pierre first lived when he came to America.Sophie and AnnaAnna on rue de l’Horloge, lower right corner, standing in same spot as the little boy in Pierre’s photo.18981994
meanwhile, back in Brooklyn…
Darrigrand French Bakery, 452 Dean Street & Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York (1877?)
452 Dean & Flatbush 1872 – 2014 with envelope from Orthez dated April 1872, Darrigrand French Bakery and Cake Ambiance, 2014The Cake Ambiance, 452 Dean Street, 2014, was a recent establishment in the building where my great great grandfather Pierre Gentieu lived when he first came to America. It is also where my great grandfather, Frederic Auguste Gentieu was born, before the family grew larger and our branch spread out across the country.
Pierre took his camera to Orthez in 1898 and brought back not only a history for his family, but a future as well. He brought dirt from the family vineyard and nuts from a walnut tree that he planted and one grew tall in his backyard. He adopted the city’s motto, Toques si Gaouses (Touch It If You Dare) as the American Gentieu’s family motto. In 1929, his son Frederic commissioned a stained glass window to be made of the motto. It was never installed in the house he was remodeling, as the stock market crash put a halt to that. One of Frederic’s daughters kept it and now I have it. It sits on my window sill lit from behind by the picturesque contemporary version of Pierre’s old neighborhood of 165 years ago.
My great great grandfather, Pierre Gentieu, was a photographer. He created sharp-focused, sensitive images of the workers and families who worked at the DuPont Powder Company. His photos express the hard life of the workers, many of whom were newimmigrants, at the first big industrial company in the United States, which happened to be situated in the most photogeniclocation there ever could be for a gunpowder corporation, along the banks of the Brandywine River in the rolling hills of northern Delaware.
Barney’s Joy Beach, Padanaram, Mass., 1977
During my last year of college, I took a photography class, and suddenly everything seemed to fall into place, and I got instant recognition for my photographs.
I became a professional photographer in New York. In 1988, I had a show called “Confabulations” at a gallery in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and that show was written up in American Photographer magazine.
A few years after that, I received a letter from a distant cousin, Norman Gentieu, Pierre’s 77-year old grandson, saying that he found me from that review in American Photographer, and guessed that I was related to Pierre Gentieu. Did I know that he was a photographer, and that the Hagley Museum in Delaware has a complete set of his photographs?
I had NO idea!
It was an extraordinary letter from my cousin, and it explained why I was so drawn to photography and was kind of good at it, Could it be genetic?
The Hagley Museum told me that the Historical Society of Delaware had Pierre’s entire set of 354 glass plate negatives. The Historical Society let me borrow them to make prints, 10 glass negatives at a time, which was amazing.
I made archival prints from them — not the albumin prints of Pierre’s day, but the equally distinctive, and now-vintage gelatin silver prints of the twentieth century. I made a hand-bound album with the prints. And then I set out to find out more about my photographer ancestor.
Pierre was only 18 years old when he immigrated, alone, to America from Orthez, Lower Pyrenees, France. It was 1860, and he stayed with his aunt and uncle in a room above their Darrigrand French bakery in Brooklyn. When it got cold, Pierre moved to New Orleans, where it was warmer and they spoke French. He joined the Orleans Artillery state militia, then the Civil War broke out, and the militia was absorbed into the Confederacy. Pierre was the first in his company to step out of line.
He joined the 13th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry because he liked their uniforms. They were dubbed the “Dandy Regiment.”He fought in nine Civil War battles, and after the war, married Sarah Albina Weed, the sister of his tent mate and friend who taught him English. Pierre and Binie had six children — four boys and two girls.
Pierre came from a family of breveted chocolatiers. The family legend was that they made chocolate for the king!So after the Civil War, Pierre and Binie settled down in New York, where Pierre opened two French bakeries and then a restaurant. But he ran into terrible debt, so he had to sell the restaurant.
It was 1877 and Pierre was 35, with a five-year old boy, a crawlingbaby, and a pregnant wife. Pierre was in deep trouble! But alas, he found employment at the DuPont Powder Company in Delaware. The company, being French, making gunpowder, and wanting to help out Civil War veterans, gave Pierre his second chance.
Four Powdermen. Pierre Gentieu
He started as a powder worker, a very dangerous job. But the du Ponts soon recognized his talent when they saw a goauche painting he made of the Lower Yard, and he was promoted to work in the office. You could say that art saved Pierre’s life from the many explosions that were occurring in the powder yards.
Pierre sometimes brought his camera to work with him, and for a long time was the only person allowed in the yards with a camera.
To quote from a clipping from the book, Corporate Images: Photography and the Du Pont Company 1865 – 1972, which the Hagley Museum and Library sent me in 1992 as an introduction to Pierre’s photography:
“Gentieu’s photography was very straight forward, with simple camera angles and poses dictated not only by his equipment, but also by his clear minded approach. He was a gifted amateur photographer who desired to show things distinctly in his pictures. For this he was encouraged by the officers of the DuPont Company, and we can be thankful that he has left us the benefit of his vision. His photography was to leave a mark in the history of the company he worked for so faithfully for so long.”
To have found this connection to my roots has been so profound. If it hadn’t been for a photo credit, if it hadn’t been for Norman looking me up, if it hadn’t been for the Hagley keeping Pierre’s collection with his name on it, I never would have known.
Jeep Administration Building Implosion, Toledo, Ohio 1979
First photo I ever saw of Pierre Gentieu. He was wearing the Lafayette Guard uniform, and I saw it right after I rented my Lafayette St. studio in January 1992, which was right after I found out that he was a photographer.
Soldiers representing five generations, Penny Gentieu Photography Studio on Lafayette St., New York City. A lot happened in the photo biz during the years I had this studio. I bought these toy soldiers in New Orleans in 1999 to put on display. Sometimes they fell down from the vibration of the Six train that went through the basement of the Lafayette Street building, but never Pierre, and never the bullet.
380 Lafayette St., New York, New York, Spring 2000. My studio building was under renovation.
The Marquis de Lafayette monument. Prospect Park entrance at 9th Street, Brooklyn, New York, just five blocks down the street from our 78 Prospect Park West apartment, 2006.